Security Training Courses in Manchester, UK

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Which SIA licence is best?

There are two types of SIA licence, and anyone working in the private security industry in the UK must hold the licence type appropriate for their role.

The SIA is a non-departmental government body responsible for maintaining high safety standards in the private security industry. One way they achieve this is by enforcing the SIA licencing system. This system requires anyone employed in the private security industry in the UK is required by law to hold a valid and appropriate SIA licence.

In this article, we will explain the different types of SIA licence and how to identify the right licence for you.

What are the different types of SIA licences?

There are two different types of SIA licence – frontline SIA licences and non-frontline SIA licences.

Frontline SIA licences are credit card-sized cards that frontline workers must wear whist carrying out their role.

Non-frontline licences are letters rather than cards and do not need to be displayed.

Why are there different types of SIA licence?

The SIA provides two different licences, catering to the specific roles and responsibilities of non-frontline and frontline workers within the private security industry. But why does this distinction exist, and why can’t all security personnel perform the same duties?

Understanding the roles and activities of these workers is key. Both frontline and non-frontline workers require specialist knowledge, skills, and experience to perform their roles safely and effectively. However, their duties and responsibilities vary significantly, and they require different training and knowledge for each type of role. This is why there are two different types of SIA licence.

Issuing two different licences helps the SIA uphold high standards within the private security industry. It helps safeguard public safety by ensuring that everyone carrying out security activities is appropriately trained and qualified.

How to know which type of SIA licence is right for you?

The type of SIA licence that an individual requires depends on the type of role that they are going to be working in. Understanding the difference between the two licence types is crucial in determining which suits you.

Frontline licences

Frontline licences are intended for individuals directly involved in undertaking licensable activities. As the name implies, frontline workers are at the forefront, entrusted with protecting the people or property assigned to them.

To obtain a frontline licence, individuals must complete an SIA-approved training course relevant to their role. This requirement ensures they have the necessary skills and understanding to effectively and safely carry out their duties.

Examples of frontline roles include:

  • Door supervisors
  • Close protection officers
  • Security guards
  • CCTV operator
  • Vehicle immobiliser

On the other hand, a non-frontline licence is meant for those who manage frontline security workers but do not directly participate in any licensable activities themselves. Unlike frontline licence applicants, non-frontline workers are not required to complete a specific training course. However, they must satisfy certain eligibility criteria to apply for this licence.

Examples of non-frontline roles include:

  • Employer
  • Manager
  • Supervisor

Once you understand how the two SIA licence types differ, selecting the one that aligns with your current or intended role in the security industry is easy. The right licence will ensure that you comply with SIA regulations and prove your capabilities in your specific role.

How can Dynamis help you with training for an SIA licence?

If you require an SIA licence to embark on a rewarding career working in the private security industry, speak to our team at Dynamis Education.

Our nationally accredited company delivers high-quality, professional SIA training courses. Whether you require door supervisor training, security officer training, or CCTV operator training, we offer a selection of SIA-approved training courses designed to equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Our courses align with the latest industry standards and regulatory requirements, ensuring you are well-prepared for your chosen role.

For more information about our SIA training courses, including our free funded courses, contact our team by calling us for free on 08000 24 2442.

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