Security Training Courses in Manchester, UK

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How long does an SIA course take?

If you’re interested in starting a career in the private security industry, your journey begins with the right training

Working in a private security role can be both challenging and rewarding. You will find yourself responsible for the safety and security of others. From CCTV operator to door supervisor to close protection officer, there’s a training course for every role.

Read on to learn more about SIA courses, why they’re so important, and how long they take to complete. Get ready to kickstart a rewarding career in the private security industry.

What is an SIA course?

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) regulates the private security industry in the UK.

To ensure that high standards are maintained, the SIA requires everyone working within the industry to hold an SIA licence.

There are two different types of SIA licences, frontline and non-frontline SIA licences. Frontline SIA licences are for those that work in a role where their primary duty is to maintain the safety or security of people or property. Frontline workers are directly involved in carrying out security services. In comparison, non-frontline workers do not directly carry out security services themselves. Instead, they work within a supervision or management role.

To obtain an SIA licence, non-frontline workers must meet an eligibility criterion and complete a background check. Frontline workers also need to complete a background check and, additionally, are required to complete a relevant SIA-approved training course.

Why do you need to take an SIA course?

Those working within the private security industry are responsible for keeping people and properties safe and secure. This is a big responsibility, and the SIA must ensure that those working in these roles have the knowledge and skills they require to carry out their roles proficiently.

In the UK, it is illegal to work in a role carrying out licensable activities without first completing an SIA training course and obtaining an SIA licence.

SIA training courses provide the essential knowledge and skills needed to carry out a range of frontline private security roles safely, effectively, and according to laws and regulations.

How long does a SIA course take?

The duration of SIA training courses can vary depending on your course type, your training provider, and whether you plan to study full-time or part-time.

When studying full-time, most SIA training courses can be completed within a week, except Close Protection SIA training courses, which are more intensive and usually take around two weeks.

The most common type of SIA training course is the Door Supervisor course, which can usually be completed in 5-6 days.

What do you learn on an SIA course?

So, what exactly does an SIA course entail?

SIA training courses equip individuals with the skills, knowledge, and industry insight they need to work in the private security industry. Each type of SIA course is tailored to prepare participants for a specific security role, whether that’s a CCTV operator or a door supervisor.

The exact content of each type of SIA course varies. However, some common topics that are usually covered include:

  • Role and responsibilities – Find out more about the role you’re training for and what to expect.
  • Communication skills and conflict management – As a security officer, you must know how to handle difficult situations calmly and safely. You will learn effective communication techniques and how to diffuse potential conflict without physical force.
  • Physical intervention skills – In some instances, you may find that physical intervention is necessary for your role. Some SIA courses teach non-aggressive techniques to keep you and others safe.
  • Security techniques – You will learn security procedures and techniques relevant to the role that you are training for. This could include patrolling, searching people and property, managing crowds, operating CCTV equipment, or controlling access to a property.
  • Law and legislation – You will learn the laws and regulations governing your role, including laws on discrimination and a security officer’s responsibilities according to the law.
  • Emergency procedures – Your course will also prepare you to respond to various emergency situations you may encounter in your role.
  • Industry standards and ethics – Finally, you will learn about the professional and ethical standards expected in the private security industry and the consequences of not upholding them.

Once you’ve completed the training, you must take several assessments to pass the course. Typically, SIA courses require you to take both theoretical exams and practical assessments. The theoretical exams are usually multiple-choice questions. Then there are the practical exams where you put into practice the new skills you’ve learnt.

You will usually need to score at least 70% on each exam paper and pass the practical assessment to pass the course.

Can you get an SIA course funded?

Without funding, it can cost between £400 – £500 to get trained and licenced to work in the private security industry.

However, some people may be eligible to receive funding for either an SIA training course, licence, or both. You may be able to access funding if you meet one or more of the following criteria.

  • You are aged between 19 and 24.
  • You have been unemployed for the last year.
  • You are claiming a State Benefit.

Here at Dynamis Education Centre, we have many years of experience providing high-quality, professional training courses, including SIA training.

We also run various free, funded SIA training courses, including the popular SIA Door Supervisor training.

For more information about any of our SIA training courses, get in touch with our team by calling us for free on 08000 24 2442

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